How Solaric Works
The Solaric platform is engineered to function as a comprehensive marketplace for solar energy investments. The process is elegantly simple yet powerful:
1. Project Onboarding:
Solar projects are extensively vetted and onboarded onto our platform. Each project is tokenized, assigning digital shares in the form of tokens that represent a stake in the project.
2. Investor Participation:
Investors purchase these tokens, which correlate to a portion of the project’s future energy production or revenue. This process is facilitated through our user-friendly interface that guides investors through each step.
3. Token Trading:
Investors can hold onto their tokens to earn from the project’s energy generation or trade them on our asset trading platform. Tokenization allows for fractional ownership and thus lowers the barrier to entry for potential investors.
4. Revenue Distribution:
As the solar projects generate energy and revenue, token holders receive their share based on the proportion of tokens they hold. This revenue can be claimed, reinvested, or traded.
5. Tracking and Monitoring:
The Solaric platform enables all participants to monitor the performance of their solar assets in real-time. Each kWh of energy produced is logged and immutably recorded on the blockchain, ensuring accuracy and transparency.
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